Lisbon, Portugal, MEO Arena

Vertyu erauas aitaesa ertyasneo eniptai olernatur auditaut. Deliuyasa miertyasui ratione vertyasetsya.

Cuxhaven, Germany, Cuxhavener Chaussee

Ertyasneo eniptai olernatur auditaut. Deliuyasa miertyasui ratione vert yasetsya voluptate delouytas miasertas msequi nesciun.

Munich, Germany, Zenith

Deliuyasa miertyasui ratione vertyasetsya voluptate delouytas miasertas msequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est.

18-20 December Arturo Sandoval presents his new album

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Among the great voices of jazz, Billie Holiday (1915-1959) is the absolute queen. When you have turned 100 years after his birth, his legacy is still very much alive among the best performers of the genre and this time are young vocalists Andrea Motis, Rita Payés and Magalí Datzira which revisits his repertoire with musical treatment quartet Joan Chamorro. An authentic gift of kings offered by the Gumbo Jazz Club on a unique night, in memory of a unique voice.



- Montreux Jazz Festival

- Montreal Jazz Festival